Funny how this question came up two days after I had another NJ based water
provider try telling a building built and occupied 1999-2001 with a validate
certificate of occupancy that they have since changed their regulations and
the building must now change the approved DDCV to an RPZ with a strainer.
Slight problem arises with friction losses, pump sizing, pipe sizing,
standpipe delivery etc and the water utility representative stated that they
are in the process of inspecting all buildings and ordering RPZ's since they
no longer accept DDCV's for water based wet pipe sprinklers and standpipe
systems.  Too funny as it was - it's a serious problem of authority and
enforcement .. And here comes another NJ based water utility provider issue.

Well for my two cents I'd take the following actions (simultaneously):

Obtain the terms and tariffs guide from the water provider and verify they
have no requirement for a minimum safety margin on FP system designs - I'm
pretty sure they don't have such a requirement.  Upon verifying they are
making an arbitrary rule outside of their posted regulations you make a
report to the NJ Board of Public Utilities - Water Analysis Unit @ (800)
624-0241 and let them start the wheels turning at their end since they are
the agency charged with oversight and approval of the agencies regulations
and tariffs.

In the mean time you can try to communicate to the water provider that the
level of safety provided in a system is really the call of the FP design
professional and if you are going to call 5psi adequate for this case then
that's who has the decision on it.  NFPA 13 allows designing to the water
supply line although it's not a best practice since water supplies can
fluctuate over time.  Based on the totality of your specific project you are
comfortable with the margin provided and that's your engineering opinion.
The water provider is NOT charged with determining FP design adequacy -
rather that's the enforcement responsibility of the fire protection subcode
official and if that individual wanted to argue the safety margin you have a
legal remedy to have an appeal hearing before a non-partisan board.

Seems to me the water provider may lack confidence in their originally
reported water supply information and are trying to get a higher safety
margin to cover their assets.  We all just need to stick to our respective
areas of responsibility but more times than not someone gets going on a
tangent where the tree limbs are not designed to support their weight.


Good luck.

Dave Phelan

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