Not sure if this is what you are thinking of, but below is from 2012 IBC Group 
H-2 Flammable and combustible liquids section...

[F] 415.8.2.4 Leakage containment. A liquid-tight containment area compatible 
with the stored liquid shall be provided. The method of spill control, drainage 
control and secondary containment shall be in accordance with the International 
Fire Code.

Exception: Rooms where only double-wall storage tanks conforming to Section 
415.8.2.3 are used to store Class I, II and IIIA flammable and combustible 
liquids shall not be required to have a leakage containment area.

*(Commentary) In order to prevent the spread of flammable and combustible 
liquids to adjacent nonstorage areas in the event of a leak in a storage tank, 
an adequately sized containment area is required. The sizing of the containment 
area should be designed to contain a spill from the largest vessel plus the 
fire protection water for the required duration. It is also important that the 
drainage system be sufficient to drain not only the flammable or combustible 
liquid but also the drainage water from the sprinkler system as well as hose 
streams. Since the outer wall of a double-walled storage tank acts as the 
secondary means of containment, the exception would allow the omission of the 
leakage containment area for all flammable and combustible liquids.

Reed A. Roisum, SET | KFI Engineers | Senior Fire Protection Designer | Fargo, 
ND | direct: 701.552.9903 | mobile: 701.388.1352 |<>
From: Sprinklerforum <> On Behalf 
Of James Crawford via Sprinklerforum
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 12:06 PM
Cc: James Crawford <>
Subject: Curbs for Containment

Hoping someone's brain is working better than mine.

I cannot seem to find the information on sizing a curb for containment of 
flammable liquids and sprinkler water, I seem to remember a time frame for the 
sprinkler water plus the largest container, but am having no luck locating is

Any help

Thank You

James Crawford
Phaser Fire Protection Ltd.
Phone 604-888-0318
Cel: 604-790-0938

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