Good advice; and often fire departments look for hose valves on intermediate 
landings. In that case one would presume you start between the ground floor and 
the second it becomes a moot point.

Cary Webber CFPS Director, Technical Services
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
1470 Smith Grove Road, Liberty, SC  29657
Tel: 864-843-5161


From: Sprinklerforum <> On Behalf 
Of Steve Leyton via Sprinklerforum
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 8:43 PM
Cc: Steve Leyton <>; Jerry Van Kolken 
Subject: RE: Standpipe Hose Valve at First Floor

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I would direct that inquiry to the responding Fire Department. This is a 
subjective issue and depending on the configuration of stairs and access 
passageways, it may be a long stretch from the pumper into the core of the 
building. In such cases, that access level valve is of great value.

Steve Leyton

(Sent from my phone; please excuse typos and voice text corruptions.)

-------- Original message --------
From: Jerry Van Kolken via Sprinklerforum 
Date: 7/9/20 3:23 PM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Standpipe Hose Valve at First Floor

I'm curious if this is described in the code.

I have stairwell that will have a standpipe. But on the first floor it only 
exit to the exterior. Would a Hose valve be required on level 1?

Would they use an interior standpipe connection to fight a fire on the exterior 
of the building on the ground level?

Jerry Van Kolken
Millennium Fire Protection Corp.
2950 San Luis Rey Rd.
Oceanside, CA 92058
(760) 722-2722 FX 722-2730

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