Never used HydraCalc but I’ve redrawn systems done from SprinkCad and the
Calc’s were pretty much identical when I was done.
Double check that you didn’t end up with double pipe or Mech tees or
something like that

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 2:16 PM August Hoffman <> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone has compared the calculations between HydraCalc
> and AutoSprink calculations.
> Ive been messing around with the 2 lately and I am not getting the same
> safety margins.
> .5 or even 1 psi difference wouldn’t surprise me but I am getting 13-20psi
> discrepancies. I have triple and quadruple checked the calcs and while all
> the elevations, pipe lengths, pipe types, fittings ext. are the same I am
> getting different flows and friction losses at different locations along
> the calc.
> I manually input all the HydraCalc info per my plans using the same nodes
> as AutoSprink to better follow the calc. One issue may be the order I input
> into HydraCalc but that ultimately should not matter, the path of the water
> is still correct and the same for both calcs:
> Example: For AutoSprink the calc is separated by each individual path –
> for an ESFR calc it follows one line back to the source, then the other 2
> lines. Mean while I have my HydraCalc sectioned off by *Remote line 1-3,
> *Float Main, *West side of feed main, *East side of feed main, *Riser,
> *Underground. So the calcs side by side do not mirror each other but the
> water flow path is still the same. Most friction losses match with a margin
> of .02, but the flows very and a few stretches of pipe have .5-1 more psi
> pressure loss on AutoSprink.
> Both programs are the latest versions. Im just wondering if one is more
> accurate, or if anyone else has compared the two with the same calc. Im not
> ruling out user error, I am sure that is the case but I have not been able
> to find the issue.
> Thank you,
> *NICET WBS 153613*
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