My Spyder3 crashed with this message after updating python to 3.6 with this 
 : Spyder crashed during last session.

If Spyder does not start at all and before submitting a bug report, please 
try to reset settings to defaults by running Spyder with the command line 
option '--reset':
python spyder --reset

Warning: this command will remove all your Spyder configuration files 
located in '/home/peok/.spyder2-py3').

If restoring the default settings does not help, please take the time to 
search for known bugs <https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder> or discussions 
<http://groups.google.com/group/spyderlib> matching your situation before 
eventually creating a new issue here <https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder>. 
Your feedback will always be greatly appreciated.

It doesn't work even after resetting or reinstalling.

I need some help thanks !

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