I just updated Spyder, and now I have the following issue.
If I enter in the console:
>>> a = 1
>>> print(a)
Then if I run the following single-line script:

I get the error:
NameError: name 'a' is not defined

Even though 'a' is clearly defined in the Variable Explorer.

According to chatGPT, Python has always worked this way, with a script 
apparently having it's own 'scope', without access to global variables.
I've used Python for years and never heard anything remotely like this. I 
access global variables from scripts all the time and never had an issue, 
in both ABAQUS and Spyder. Then suddenly I update Spyder and have this 
issue. Can someone please explain why it worked for me before and not now? 
And how I can fix this?

chatGPT says add the line 'global a', which is not acceptable solution for 
me even if it worked, but even that doesn't solve the error.


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