I have a python script that loads a file of analog values and performs some 
signal-processing on it to extract various values (SNR, noise, etc.).

I run Spyder 5.3.1 with these versions of the components: Python 3.10.5 
64-bit | Qt 5.15.3 | PyQt5 5.15.4 | Windows 10.

If I connect to a remote kernel on my (much more powerful) server and run 
the script on the same data file I get different answers. I don’t mean they 
vary in the sixth decimal place, I mean some of the values are a factor of 
two out.

The linux system has Python 3.9.15 and is hosted on Ubuntu 20.04.

What could cause such a large change in the output, and which one is 
correct?! How can I further troubleshoot to determine what’s causing the 

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