
A script cannot import Numba when executed from Spyder in Run file 
(F5) mode. So far this is the only instance *import *fails on Spyder --
stuff such as Numpy, Scipy and mpmath are imported fine.

I get the following error messages:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File C:\Program 
    from numba.core.typeconv import _typeconv

ImportError: cannot import name '_typeconv' from 'numba.core.typeconv' 
(C:\Program Files\Python\Lib\site-packages\numba\core\typeconv\__init__.py)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  Cell In[5], line 1
    import numba

  File C:\Program Files\Python\Lib\site-packages\numba\__init__.py:73
    from numba.misc.special import (

  File C:\Program Files\Python\Lib\site-packages\numba\misc\special.py:3
    from numba.core.typing.typeof import typeof

  File C:\Program 
    from .context import BaseContext, Context

  File C:\Program 
    from numba.core.typeconv import Conversion, rules

  File C:\Program 
    from .typeconv import TypeManager, TypeCastingRules

  File C:\Program 
    raise ImportError(msg)

ImportError: Numba could not be imported.
If you are seeing this message and are undertaking Numba development work, 
you may need to rebuild Numba.
Please see the development set up guide:


If you are not working on Numba development, the original error was: 
'cannot import name '_typeconv' from 'numba.core.typeconv' (C:\Program 
For help, please visit:


I wonder if this isn't an internal path problem, but don't know where and
what to look for.

Thanks for any help.


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