> OK this is what happens here, the relationship you want to establish is:
> product_table  ----(product_table.id=collections.parent_id)--->  
> collections ----(collections.child_id=product_table.id)---->  
> product_table
> so above, youve got product_table.id, youve got the collections table  
> (secondary), and youve got the primary join although i think you mean  
> for it to be  
> "primaryjoin 
> =collections_products_table.c.parent_id==product_table.c.id".     the  
> mapper also needs you to give it the secondaryjoin,  
> "secondaryjoin 
> =collections_products_table.c.collection_id==product_table.c.id",  
> because it sees that there is more than one way to make a join between  
> "products" and "collections" so it cant go any further (you could say  
> that it should use the process of elimination since you gave it the  
> primaryjoin, but thats a topic for another discussion :)  ).  so setup  
> primaryjoin and secondaryjoin and youre good to go.

Thanks Mike! I think I speak for many here in saying that we really
appreciate how helpful you are on this list in addition to all the work
that has obviously gone into SA itself! ( Looking forward to that book,
btw! )

I had to rejiggle some column names to match your example but for any
interested, below is what works ( so far! ). I'm sure it would have
taken me hours of frustration to figure it out myself. If something
looks funny in the below and anyone wants to correct me, please do!

product_table = Table("products", metadata,
    Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True ),
    Column( "name", String(100) ),
    Column( "description", String, nullable=True ),
    Column( "ordering", Integer, default=1 ),
    Column( "price", Numeric, default=0.00 ),
    Column( "pst", Numeric, default=0.06 ),
    Column( "gst", Numeric, default=0.07 ),
    Column( "plt", Numeric, default=0 ),
    # is this product a collection ( basket, upgrade )
    Column( "collection", Boolean, default='0', nullable=False ),

# many to many of collection-products to products
collections_products_table = Table('collections_products', metadata,
    Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('products.id') ),
    Column('child_id', Integer, ForeignKey('products.id') ),

class Product(object):

assign_mapper(session.context, Product, product_table, properties={
 'children': relation( Product, secondary=collections_products_table,
 primaryjoin =
 secondaryjoin =
    backref='products', lazy=True ),

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