> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of naktinis
> Sent: 27 July 2009 13:07
> To: sqlalchemy
> Subject: [sqlalchemy] Session mapper and Class.query() method
> I've seen that Session.mapper is deprecated. While I agree that auto-
> adding objects to a session may be a bad idea, I don't see why is it
> so bad to add the query() method directly to the mapped class.
> Is there a reason, why I shouldn't do it?

The query() method assumes that you are using a scoped session. As long
as you know that you are always going to use a scoped session, you can

  cls.query = scoped_session.query_property()

...to add it back in again. If you ever use explicit sessions, it might
be confusing that sometimes you say "cls.query()", and other times say
"session.query(cls)", but that's up to you. That's the only reason I can
think of for being cautious about cls.query().


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