Faheem Mitha wrote:
> Thanks for the fast and helpful response. This looks like an artifact
> how I am creating the table. I wonder if this would still show up if I

> explicitly specified the id. I could check this. Also, presumably if I
> other cols in the table, they wouldn't show up in sqla's printout.

The sequence isn't directly related to the table (as far as I'm aware).
Instead, when you insert a row into the table, you do something like
"SELECT NEXTVAL('<sequencename>')" to get the next ID value. SQLALchemy
does this automatically for you.

> I'm still puzzled why sqlalchemy lists the entries in the table, when 
> querying directly via psql doesn't show it.

Your SQLAlchemy operations are happening within a transaction that never
gets committed. If you turned on SQL echoing (use echo=True or
echo='debug' in your call to create_engine), you would see that your
object is actually being inserted into the 'mytest' table. When you
SELECT from the table, you are still in the same transaction, so you see
the rows that you have inserted.

However, when the script exits, the transaction gets rolled back, so you
never see the new rows in psql. The only evidence that anything ever
happened is that the sequence has moved on (see the note at the bottom
of http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/functions-sequence.html)


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