Is there a portable way of resetting sequences on platforms where they
are used? I am initializing tables (for unit tests) - which have an
autoincrementing id column as primary key - by uploading data from
fixture files on disk into a database. On SQLite everything works
fine, but on Postgres the sequences get initialized to 1 and need to
be set to reflect the id values which have been inserted, otherwise I
get duplicate-key errors when inserting.

What database-independent mechanism can I use to do this? I couldn't
find sufficient detail in the docs/on this list to help me figure it
out. Here's a couple of posts I looked at:

to which Mike Bayer said,

"after populating the tables with your CSV data, manually increment
the  sequence to the next available id."

Yes, that's what I'd like to do, but without any direct execution of
Postgres-specific SQL from my code. Following this post:

which asks about how to operate on sequences, Mike Bayer makes the

"table reflection does get a value for sequence defaults in PG, and
then knows how to execute the sequence.   there is an issue
when the sequence name has been changed in that PG no longer provides
consistent access to the sequence name (theres a trac ticket for that
issue), but it works for the typical use case."

I think my use case is pretty typical, but I could use a few pointers
on how to get SQLA to execute

select setval('XXX_id_seq', max(id)) from XXX

I'm happy doing table and column reflection to decide when to make
these calls, but I want to stay at the SQLA layer so that my code
works unchanged on all mainstream databases.

Thanks for any pointers,

Vinay Sajip

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