On Jun 29, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> Specifically, the following:
>>> - change the primary key of the instance by deleting it so that the 
>>> dataabse assigns a new primary key?
>> that wont work.  you need to take the object and call make_transient() on 
>> it, re-add it to the session.  
> Where is make_transient documented? (failing that, where do I import it from?)



> > the latest you could do this would be sessionextension.before_flush().
> How do I know what instances I need to worry about in before_flush?

you need to scan.  see the versioning example.

> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/reference/orm/interfaces.html#sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.SessionExtension.before_flush
>  implies is `instances` list passed can't be relied upon...

"instances" is a deprecated thing that will always be empty unless you're 
actually using that feature which I'm pretty sure you're not.

>>> - do a query to update an existing row? (where would I get the session 
>>> from?)
>> you can do that, if you use the given connection.   session is from 
>> object_session(instance).
> So the session returned by object_session will always be connected to the 
> connection provided in the `connection` parameter?

you can deduce this from the fact that the object passed is part of the current 
session, and the flush occurs in one transaction/connection which is itself 
owned by that session, so yes.

>>> - change the row the instance corresponds to and somewhow return a "new 
>>> replacement instance"?
>> not sure what that means
> That's this bit from my previous example:
> >>> session.add(x)
> >>> session.commit()
> >>> x.id, x.name, x.value, x.valid_from, x.valid_to
> 1, 'foo', 100, 2010-06-29 09:00, None
> >>> x.value = 200
> >>> session.commit()
> >>> x.id, x.name, x.value, x.valid_from, x.valid_to
> 2, 'foo', 200, 2010-06-29 09:05, None
> >>> for thing in session.query(MyThing).all():
> ...   print x.id, x.name, x.value, x.valid_from, x.valid_to
> 1, 'foo', 100, 2010-06-29 09:00, 2010-06-29 09:05
> 2, 'foo', 200, 2010-06-29 09:05, None
> `x` used to correspond to the row with id of 1, but now corresponds to the 
> row with the id of 2. That's the effect I'm looking to achieve.

I've added that recipe here 

> - only primary objects in one table

that's not what your example above illustrates....

> - the valid_from and valid_to form a linked list of version validity

using the recipe I linked, you'd establish that linkage in the new_version() 

> - only certain column changes cause a new version to be created (eg: if the 
> 'notes' column changes, we don't want to create a new version; would  
> session.is_modified() still help with that?)

using the recipe I linked, you'd add some logic into before_flush() that does 
attributes.get_history(x, 'foo') for each attribute that you care about, 
instead of using session.is_modified() which is across the board

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