FWIW, I tried the map_to() method but still received the PK error.
The following method, however, worked fine:

ss = SqlSoup(db.engine)
meta = ss._metadata
tbl_vrmf = sa.Table("vRMF", meta, autoload=True)
vrmf_pks = [tbl_vrmf.c.dateId, tbl_vrmf.c.ident, tbl_vrmf.c.mnum]
vrmf = ss.map(tbl_vrmf, primary_key=vrmf_pks)

On Jun 10, 8:18 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Jun 9, 2011, at 12:41 AM, Reece Hart wrote:
> > I'd like to use SqlSoup with an existing database that contains views.
> > Accessing a table goes swimmingly, but accessing a view results in
> > "PKNotFoundError: table '[viewname]' does not have a primary key
> > defined..."
> > Do I correctly infer that SqlSoup does not work with database views (by
> > default, at least)? I've been unable to find anything directly relevant
> > on Google, SO, or the SqlAlchemy mailing list. If you were faced with
> > this, how would you proceed if you wanted to access non-updatable views?
> > I'm new to SQLAlchemy and SQLSoup.
> > Here's a specific example:
> >        from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
> >        u = SqlSoup('postgresql+psycopg2://pub...@unison-db.org:5432/unison')
> >        seq = u.pseq.filter(u.pseq.pseq_id==76).all() # okay
> >        aliases = u.pseqalias.filter(u.pseqalias.pseq_id==76).all()
> >        PKNotFoundError: table 'pseqalias' does not have a primary key 
> > defined...
> You would need to pass the columns to be considered part of the primary key 
> to the underlying mapper, using sqlsoup.map_to(), but unfortunately there is 
> not a simple interface for that at the moment, since you need the Table 
> object as well to get at the columns.   So until this interface could be 
> improved, for now it would look like:
> metadata = u._metadata
> t = Table("pseqaliases", metadata, autoload=True)
> u.map_to("pseqaliases", selectable=t, mapper_args={"primary_key":[t.c.col1, 
> t.c.col2]})
> This is just the "primary_key" argument to mapper, there are some examples 
> athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/mapper_config.htmlnear the top.

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