Ok, I know this is my fault but maybe someone can help me know what kind of
error I'm producing here, in saving a user, I'm getting the following
expection, but only occasionally ( like 10% of the time? )

15:13:18,160 INFO [xornot.dram.views] EditAction.post() Exception from
self.update: Can't attach instance <Group at 0xb660d6c>; another instance
with key (<class 'xornot.auth.model.group.Group'>, (3L,)) is already
present in this session.

I suspect it as to do with this code which tries to add the everyone group
to everyone before update:

def pre_update_hook(self):
  # users can never be removed from the Everyone group
  everyone = self.model.get_by(Group, name='Everyone')
  admin = self.model.get_by(Group, name='Admin')
  if everyone not in self.valid_values['groups']:

It's a long shot, but does the above info give anyone any idea what kind of
thing I might be doing wrong and how to track down something like this?


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