Thanks for all these helpful feedback. 

If I still want to use SQLite, and I still need to do vertical partition, 
what can I do? Am I out of luck?

On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 2:04:37 AM UTC-7, Jinghui Niu wrote:
> I have three different DBs, one is person.db, another is journal.db, yet 
> another is tag.db. In the documentation it reads:
> Vertical partitioning places different kinds of objects, or different 
>>> tables, across multiple databases:
>>> engine1 = create_engine('postgresql://db1')
>> engine2 = create_engine('postgresql://db2')
>>> Session = sessionmaker(twophase=True)
>>> # bind User operations to engine 1, Account operations to engine 2
>> Session.configure(binds={User:engine1, Account:engine2})
>>> session = Session()
> I noticed that this example only deals with two DBs, and the parameter is 
> called "twophase". I was wondering if there is any significance of "two" 
> here? How can I fit my third DB in? Thanks.

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