On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:19 AM, mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On 10/27/2016 09:41 PM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
>> I have an edge-case in a few situations where, within an @property of a
>> SqlAlchemy object, I need to know the current active web-request/context.
>> I'm currently using Pyramid's `get_current_request`, but it is no longer
>> recommended -- so I'd like to get a proper solution in place.
>> I have a new `session` per request context, so I was thinking about
>> using an event to handle this concern.  It looks like `before_attach` is
>> only for `INSERT` type operations; is there an appropriate event that
>> can adjust an object after a `SELECT`?
> well I'd use session.info to stick the pyramid request, or some token
> identifying it, in there.   before_attach would get you all the persistence
> and something like instanceevents.load() would get you the load.   1.1 has
> all new events that clearly identify how to get every object transition into
> "persistent" as well.

I use something like this:

    def makesession(request):
        dbsession = sessionmaker()
        dbsession.request = request
        def closesession(request):
            del dbsession.request
        return dbsession

    config.add_request_method(makesession, 'dbsession', reify=True)

I really ought to be using session.info rather than sticking a new
property directly on the session object...


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