I would like to change a primary key's value, to be deterministic, based on 
a multi-to-multi relation. Thus I'm populating the tables with a temporary 
ids (just random strings), then calculating the right, unique id, and 
changing it afterwards.

I have the following models:

class Image(Base):
    id = Column(String, primary_key=True, default=lambda: random_string(16))
    collections = relationship('Collection', secondary='collections_images', 

class Collection(Base):
    id = Column(String, primary_key=True, default=lambda: random_string(16))
    images = relationship('Image', secondary='collections_images', 
back_populates='collections', order_by='desc(Image.date_created)', 

Table('collections_images', Base.metadata,
    Column('collection_id', ForeignKey('collections.id'), primary_key=True),
    Column('image_id', ForeignKey('images.id'), primary_key=True))

My problem is the following:

   Out of the 3 examples below, only one triggers an integrity exception, 
   the other two does not.
   In all three I'm trying to write to this primary key, which is 
   referenced, thus should produce an exception. Yet, in 2. and 3. it seem 
   nothing is happening when collection.id = is set. When I debug via SQL 
   queries it shows absolutely nothing called for the collection.id = line.
   How can I solve this problem? I mean how can I change a primary key's 
   value which is also used in a multi-to-multi relation?
The DB is PostgreSQL 9.5 with psycopg2.

The examples are:

A. triggers exception:

with transaction.manager:
    collections = dbsession.query(Collection).all()

    for collection in collections:
        image_ids = [i.id for i in collection.images.all()]
        image_ids_string = ','.join(sorted(image_ids)) + collection.name
        collection.id = md5(image_ids_string)[:16]

B. does not trigger exception

collections = dbsession.query(Collection).all()# ^ and v only these two lines 
are swapped with transaction.manager:
    for collection in collections:
        image_ids = [i.id for i in collection.images.all()]
        image_ids_string = ','.join(sorted(image_ids)) + collection.name
        collection.id = md5(image_ids_string)[:16]

C. also does not trigger exception

collections = dbsession.query(Collection).all()
for collection in collections:
    image_ids = [i.id for i in collection.images.all()]
    image_ids_string = ','.join(sorted(image_ids)) + collection.name
    with transaction.manager:
        collection.id = md5(image_ids_string)[:16]

The exception for the first one is:
sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (psycopg2.IntegrityError) update or delete 
on table "collections" violates foreign key constraint 
"fk_collections_images_collection_id_collections" on table 
"collections_images" DETAIL: Key (id)=(jC3sN8952urTGrqz) is still 
referenced from table "collections_images".

I've also tried onupdate='CASCADE' for both columns in collections_images 
but didn't change anything.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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