I want to build such query with sqlalchemy:
SELECT array_agg((column1, column2)) from table

Using psql it works perfectly and returns such result:
{"(col1_row1_value, col2_row1_value)", "(col1_row2_value, col2_row2_value)"

I tried several forms of SQLA-query:

>> from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY 
>> from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import Tuple
>> ... func.array_agg(Tuple(Model.col1, Model.col2), type_=ARRAY(Unicode
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
>> ... func.array_agg(Tuple(Model.col1, Model.col2), type_=ARRAY(Unicode, 
...# returns value like this: ('{', '"', '(', 'c',...)
>> ... func.array_agg(Tuple(Model.col1, Model.col2), type_=ARRAY(Tuple, 
AttributeError: Neither 'Tuple' object nor 'Comparator' object has an 
attribute 'dialect_impl'

At first, I wanted to use *`func.jsonb_object_agg(Model.col1, Model.col2)`*, 
but it raises *"unhashable type: dict"*

Could you point to solution?

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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