It worked! Thanks a lot!

On Friday, 28 April 2017 18:49:40 UTC-7, Alex Plugaru wrote:
> Hello, 
> There are 3 tables: `*Account*`, `*Role*`, `*User*`. Both `*Role*` and `
> *User*` have a foreign key `*account_id*` that points to `*Account*`.
> A user can have multiple roles, hence the `*roles_users*` table which 
> acts as the secondary relation table between `*Role*` and `*User*`.
> The `*Account*` table is a tenant table for our app, it is used to 
> separate different customers.
> Note that all tables have (besides `*Account*`) have composite primary 
> keys with `*account_id*`. This is done for a few reasons, but let's say 
> it's done to keep everything consistent.
> Now if I have a simple secondary relationship (`*User.roles*` - the one 
> that is commented out) all works as expected. Well kind of.. it throws a 
> legitimate warning (though I believe it should be an error):
> SAWarning: relationship 'User.roles' will copy column role.account_id to 
> column roles_users.account_id, which conflicts with relationship(s): 
> 'User.roles' (copies user.account_id to roles_users.account_id). Consider 
> applying viewonly=True to read-only relationships, or provide a 
> primaryjoin condition marking writable columns with the foreign() 
> annotation.
> That's why I created the second relation `*User.roles*` - the one that is 
> not commented out. Querying works as expected which has 2 conditions on 
> join and everything. However I get this error when I try to save some roles 
> on the user:
> sqlalchemy.orm.exc.UnmappedColumnError: Can't execute sync rule for 
> source column 'roles_users.role_id'; mapper 'Mapper|User|user' does not 
> map this column.  Try using an explicit `foreign_keys` collection which 
> does not include destination column '' (or use a viewonly=True 
> relation).
> As far as I understand it, SA is not able to figure out how to save the 
> secondary because it has a custom `*primaryjoin*` and `*secondaryjoin*` 
> so it proposes to use `*viewonly=True*` which has the effect of just 
> ignoring the roles relation when saving the model.
> The question is how to save the roles for a user without having to do it 
> by hand (the example is commented out in the code). In the real app we have 
> many secondary relationships and we're saving them in many places. It would 
> be super hard to rewrite them all.
> Is there a solution to keep using `*User.roles = some_roles*` while 
> keeping the custom `*primaryjoin*` and `*secondaryjoin*` below?
> The full example using SA 1.1.9:
> from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, Text, Table, 
> ForeignKeyConstraint, ForeignKey, and_
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> from sqlalchemy.orm import foreign, relationship, Session
> Base = declarative_base()
> class Account(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'account'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> roles_users = Table(
>     'roles_users', Base.metadata,
>     Column('account_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('role_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id', 'account_id'], ['', 
> 'user.account_id']),
>     ForeignKeyConstraint(['role_id', 'account_id'], ['', 
> 'role.account_id']),
> )
> class Role(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'role'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=
> True)
>     name = Column(Text)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return '<Role {} {}>'.format(,
> class User(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'user'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=
> True)
>     name = Column(Text)
>     # This works as expected: It saves data in roles_users
>     # roles = relationship(Role, secondary=roles_users)
>     # This custom relationship - does not work
>     roles = relationship(
>         Role,
>         secondary=roles_users,
>         primaryjoin=and_(foreign( == roles_users.c.role_id,
>                          Role.account_id == roles_users.c.account_id),
>         secondaryjoin=and_(foreign(id) == roles_users.c.user_id,
>                            account_id == roles_users.c.account_id))
> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///')
> engine.echo = True
> Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
> session = Session(engine)
> # Create our account
> a = Account()
> session.add(a)
> session.commit()
> # Create 2 roles
> u_role = Role()
> = 1
> u_role.account_id =
> = 'user'
> session.add(u_role)
> m_role = Role()
> = 2
> m_role.account_id =
> = 'member'
> session.add(m_role)
> session.commit()
> # Create 1 user
> u = User()
> = 1
> u.account_id =
> = 'user'
> # This does not work
> # u.roles = [u_role, m_role]
> session.add(u)
> session.commit()
> # Works as expected
> i = roles_users.insert()
> i = i.values([
>     dict(,,,
>     dict(,,,
> ])
> session.execute(i)
> # re-fetch user from db
> u = session.query(User).first()
> for r in u.roles:
>     print(r)
> FYI: I posted this on SO as well, but I haven't gotten a response there 
> yet so trying here too: 
> Hope it's ok.
> Thank you for your help,
> Alex.

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