On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 12:35 AM, Neena Parikh <ne...@benchling.com> wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm looking to create a helper or decorator function that will enable us to
> "mark" a column or table as “unused”, and raise an error if that column or
> table is queried for in SQL.
> Context
> The motivation behind this is to help us catch accidental references to
> deleted columns in our code. We currently follow this process for database
> migrations that involve dropping columns or tables:
> Remove all usages of the column in the code, except the column definition.
> (We keep the column definition around since we have tests to ensure our
> column definitions match up with our migrated database schemas.)
> Make the column deferred
> Wait a few days, then remove the column definition and run the database
> migration that actually drops the column
> The main issue with this process is that if there’s any code left in that
> loads in the deleted column, we run into a number of issues upon running the
> migration. We’d like to introduce a helper or decorator for dropped
> columns/tables that will trigger an error when the column/table is
> referenced / loaded in any of the following ways:
> session.query(MyTable.my_column).all()
> session.query(MyTable).options(undefer('*')).all()
> my_table_instance.my_column
> session.query(MyDroppedTable).all()
> Ideally, this would be a lightweight wrapper or decorator that could be
> applied to any column or table — something like my_column =
> unused(Column(…)) or an @unused decorator on a class.
> Prior Work
> We’ve looked at using hybrid_property to achieve this:
> class MyTable():
>     ...
>     _my_column = deferred(Column('my_column', String(255), nullable=True))
>     @hybrid_property
>     def my_column(self):
>         raise Exception('Unused column')
>     @my_column.setter
>     def my_column(self, value):
>         raise Exception('Unused column')
> What this gets us:
> Exception on my_table_instance.my_column
> Exception on session.query(MyTable.my_column).all()
> Exception on session.query(MyTable).options(undefer('my_column')).all()
> Issues with this approach:
> No exception on session.query(MyTable).options(undefer('*')).all()
> Requires a fair amount of implementation overhead for each column
> Not applicable to unused tables
> Any tips on how we can best use SQLAlchemy to accomplish all of the above?

To catch the "undefer('*')" case, you could perhaps change the column
type to something based on a TypeDecorator that raises an exception in
process_bind_param and process_result_value:


By "implementation overhead", do you mean the amount of typing you
have to do each time you disable a column (creating the hybrid
properties)? If so, you might be able to use the events system to
create those properties automatically. For example, you could try
listening for the "after_configured" mapper event, then inspect the
class's properties. If you find any disabled columns, you could then
attach corresponding hybrid properties that raise exceptions.

Hope that helps,


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