On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 3:58 AM, Ahmad Javed <ahmadjaved...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have implemented web applications using Django and SQLAlchemy framework.
> We have distributed system in the company and some API used frequently.
> We are facing a problem where MySQL connections reached a maximum limit.
> In Django applications, we are using SQLAlchemy with pool engine and
> scoped_session. Also using pool recycle option as well.
> There is custom Django middleware placed in application to remove the
> session at the end and dispose the engine as well.
> But still, it leaves MySQL open connections.
> Today I have reproduced and investigated problem locally and dig into
> library code. I found that instead of disposing engine if I dispose engine's
> pool then it actually remove connections.
> I was expecting that disposing engine only will take care of connections.
> I need some guidance from experts. Is this approach good? Should I go with
> this solution? Or is there better solution that can help me?
> P.S, we are using 0.7.8 version of SQLAlchemy. Unfortunately due to some
> issues I can not update the version.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ahmad Javed

It sounds like you are recreating the engine for each request, which
is not the way it is supposed to be used. You should only have a
single engine instance, typically created or configured when your
application starts up. Disposing the engine (or the pool) should never
be necessary.

If all your per-request DB access goes through the scoped session, and
you are calling session.remove() at the end of each request,
connections should be returned to the pool properly.


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