Hi Mike,

I am creating a graph structure using the ORM below and am able to do 

Base = declarative_base()

class Link(Base):

__tablename__ = 'base_link'
_constraints = ['first_id', 'second_id']
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint(*_constraints, name = 
'link_constraint'), {"schema":"my_schema"})
id = Column(CHAR(32), primary_key=True)
object_type = Column(String(16))
first_id = Column(CHAR(32), ForeignKey(Node.id))
second_id = Column(CHAR(32), ForeignKey(Node.id))
orl1 =relationship('Node', foreign_keys=first_id)
orl2 =relationship('Node', foreign_keys=second_id)
class Node(Base):
__tablename__ = 'node'
_constraints = ['h_name', 'd_name']
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint(*_constraints, name='node_constraint'), 
h_name = Column(String(256),nullable=False)
d_name = Column(String(256),nullable=True)
id = Column(CHAR(32),primary_key=True)

I am having a hard time querying the above Objects
for example:

Case-1 (ref case-1.png):

my join was pretty much straightforward for Case-1.

Usage = aliased(Link, name = "Usage")
node_1 = aliased(Node, name = "node_1")
node_2 = aliased(Node, name = "node_2")

session.query(node_1, node_2).join(Usage, node_1.id == 
Usage.first_id).join(node_2, node_2.id == Usage.second_id)

How would my join be for my Case-2 (ref case-2.png)?

Usage = aliased(Link, name = "Usage")
Usage_2 = aliased(Link, name = "Usage_2")
node_1 = aliased(Node, name = "node_1")
node_2 = aliased(Node, name = "node_2")
node_3 = aliased(Node, name = "node_3")

I cannot quite properly build the query

the query below is as close as I can get

session.query(node_1, node_2, node_3).join(Usage, 
and_(node_2.id==Usage.second_id,  node_2.id==Usage_2.second_id))

which I know is wrong. It will be really nice if someone could point me in 
the right direction for my case-2 join.

Madhusudan Sridharan

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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