Thank you, Mike!

the above table is relationally incorrect - you should never have 
> duplicate data inside of a table like that, and the student_id and 
> instructor_id columns should normally form the primary key, or at 
> least a unique constraint of some kind.

I agree. I didn’t want to add constraints yet because I wanted to see if 
the duplication could be solved in another way (e.g. an INSERT … IF NOT 

> But beyond that, is a 
> "favorite" inherently bidirectional?   usually "favorites" have a 
> direction,   A might be B's favorite, but B is not A's favorite. 

As for the “favorite” relationship, well, in this case it’s an implied 
bi-directional one…

> if you *do* want to add on both ends but it's "unique" anyway, try 
> using collection_class=set with your relationship.  that will 
> eliminate dupes on the Python side and you can set up the table rows 
> as unique.

Ah, nice: documentation in section Customizing Collection Access 
The “favs” are now an InstrumentedSet 
of a standard Python list but I guess that is alright. Adding and deleting 
worked using sets.

The one thing I noticed, however, was that I have to use back_populates 
on both sides (to get the set on both sides) instead of backref 
just one (to get a set on the defining side and default list on the backref 


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