Trying to diagnose a problem with a query when we don't have any way
to run it for ourselves or sample data to run it against, is very
difficult. If you want more help, I think you're going to need to
produce a self-contained script with your table definitions and some
sample data, that runs against a sqlite database.

Good luck!


On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 10:21 PM, su-sa <> wrote:
> @Mike, Jonathan and Simon - Thank you so much for all your efforts. I hope I
> can fix the problem soon in the dialect :-)
> P.s. I have finally been able to generate the correct query, but now
> currently the problem is that I get no result, although the query is
> absolutely correct and should give back results.
> Thats how I built the query now:
> subquery = select([func.min(Partsupp.ps_supplycost)]).where(Part.p_partkey
> == Partsupp.ps_partkey).where(
>                    Supplier.s_suppkey ==
> Partsupp.ps_suppkey).where(Supplier.s_nationkey ==
> Nation.n_nationkey).where(
>                    Nation.n_regionkey ==
> Region.r_regionkey).where(Region.r_name == 'EUROPE').correlate(Part)
> q2 = session.query(Supplier.s_acctbal, Supplier.s_name, Nation.n_name,
> Part.p_partkey, Part.p_mfgr,
>                    Supplier.s_address, Supplier.s_phone,
> Supplier.s_comment).filter(Part.p_partkey == Partsupp.ps_partkey,
>                    Supplier.s_suppkey== Partsupp.ps_suppkey, Part.p_size ==
> 15,'%BRASS'),
>                    Supplier.s_nationkey == Nation.n_nationkey,
> Nation.n_regionkey == Region.r_regionkey,
>                    Region.r_name == 'Europe', Partsupp.ps_supplycost ==
> subquery).order_by(Supplier.s_acctbal.desc(),
>                    Nation.n_name, Supplier.s_name,
> Part.p_partkey).limit(100)
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