On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 2:26 AM, 'David C' via sqlalchemy
<sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I can't find any way to get SqlAlchemy to correlate a table referenced in a
> computed column when the query has a union.
> Simplified test case:
> Base = declarative.declarative_base()
> class MyTable(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'my_table'
>     score = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> my_alias = aliased(MyTable, name="my_alias")
> As a silly query, suppose I wanted to list each score along with an
> indicator of whether a higher score exists in the table. This works fine:
> query_1 = Query(MyTable)
> query_1 = query_1.add_column(Query(my_alias).filter(my_alias.score >
> MyTable.score).exists())
> and produces the query:
> SELECT my_table.score AS my_table_score, EXISTS (SELECT 1
> FROM my_table AS my_alias
> WHERE my_alias.score > my_table.score) AS anon_1
> FROM my_table
> However, if the query is has a union:
> query_2 = Query(MyTable).union(Query(MyTable))
> query_2 = query_2.add_column(Query(my_alias).filter(my_alias.score >
> MyTable.score).exists())
> then SqlAlchemy refuses to correlate the MyTable in the added column with
> the MyTable in the outer query:
> SELECT anon_1.my_table_score AS anon_1_my_table_score, EXISTS (SELECT 1
> FROM my_table AS my_alias, my_table  -- How do I get rid of the second
> my_table here?
> WHERE my_alias.score > my_table.score) AS anon_2
> FROM (SELECT my_table.score AS my_table_score
> FROM my_table UNION SELECT my_table.score AS my_table_score
> FROM my_table) AS anon_1
> I tried adding an explicit correlate(), but it does not help:
> query_2 = query_2.add_column(Query(my_alias).filter(my_alias.score >
> MyTable.score).correlate(MyTable).exists())
> How can I force the MyTable in the added column to correlate with the outer
> query?

You actually need it to do more than that, since you will note that
query.union() produces the UNION inside of a subquery called "anon_1".
You actually want your subquery to refer to "anon_1", not "my_table",
if you want to have it on the outside.

Normally, when you use query.union(), you can still refer to MyTable
on the outside, and the query applies adaptation such that "MyTable"
is turned into "anon_1" so that it makes sense, such as if you said
query_2.filter(MyTable.score > 5).    But in the case of the EXISTS
you're building, that's not working, and the reason is because of the
behavior of the Query.exists() method specifically and I've proposed a
change at 

For now you can do the identical sequence by just using a Core exists
construct which does not contain the "no traverse" annotation:

from sqlalchemy import exists

query_2 = s.query(MyTable).union(s.query(MyTable))
stmt1 = exists().where(my_alias.score > MyTable.score)

you'll note the resulting SQL finds all occurrences of "my_table"
inside your subquery and replaces them appropriately with anon_1:

SELECT anon_1.my_table_score AS anon_1_my_table_score, EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM my_table AS my_alias
WHERE my_alias.score > anon_1.my_table_score) AS anon_2
FROM (SELECT my_table.score AS my_table_score
FROM my_table UNION SELECT my_table.score AS my_table_score
FROM my_table) AS anon_1

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