I have a lookup/reference table which associate several fixed names to 
unique ids (like an enum type).
Those ids are used elsewhere as foreign keys.
It would be nice to somehow state that relationship, then in my python code 
create a column in the child table, put in there a value which will be a 
string or enum, an have sqlalchemy automatically replace that with the id 
associated to the name in the reference table.
Is there a way to get sqlalchemy to automatically get an id (integer) value 
for a string or enum type

Here's an example:

ref_status table
id: int4
name: varchar

another table
status_id: foreign key references ref_status.id

Note: I have looked into sqlalchemy enum type, and that seems to work by 
specifying the values for the enum in python, while what I want is to have 
those value retrieved by name from the database.


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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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