On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, at 6:12 AM, Nico C. wrote:
> Hi there,
> Where I work, in our data model, we'd have several the opportunity to have 
> primary keys defined has a composite of something + an enum value. Though 
> because sqlalchemy requises
> that primary keys can be sorted, it is not possible to define such primary 
> keys.
> Indeed, in Python, enums are not sortablle. Which is fine by us and, though 
> we could implemented some kind of ordre, to keep the behavior of enum types 
> consistent between those use in a table and those that are not, we'd rater 
> not do that. And yes, some might argue that this is a de-normalization and 
> hence is evil, but we find it handy enough to accept corrupting our souls... 

If you aren't worried about a lack of purity on the SQL side, then why can't 
you also just add a __lt__() to your Enum object? That would allow your program 
to work right now and this is what you'd need to do for now.

> This is not à New issue, see reference below. It is mentioned there that this 
> may be made optional. So what would be the status of this ? I understand this 
> is not an arbitrary choice (a post mentions preventing deadlocks). What would 
> be the trade offs of such an options ?

The official issue for Enum as primary key without the need to apply an 
__lt__() method to the Enum is at: 


Don't worry that it's closed at the moment, feel free to reopen this issue if 
you are motivated to provide a pull request with tests as it's labeled that 
motivated volunteers are requested. 

The description of the feature is:

a pull request that includes well written tests may be accepted. PR would add a 
new method TypeEngine.value_sortkey(value), and then the 
persistence._sort_states() method would call upon this function to work on top 
of the values pulled from the "persistent" set, and the Enum datatype would 
likely allow a new callable to be passed that implements this (or it somehow 
knows how to build one from a pep-435 style collection).

let me know if this is important enough that you can donate some programming 
time for it and I will help you every step of the way to implement.

> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sqlalchemy/primary$20key$20sortable%7Csort:date/sqlalchemy/mWbr-Tw4wvU/QXFYH2rRgFsJ
> Thanks for enlightening us.
> -- 
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