One of my project is built around Django rest framework and Sqlalchemy as ORM.

This application is thread based so randomly we are seeing one of thread 
transaction showing connection closed error.

Randomly when my application is trying to insert the record in table we are 
seeing exception the resource is closed, Below is stack trace:

"./modules/managers/contracts/", line 745, in 
submit_fix_contract#012    deal_amn_contract_activity_id = 
'Submitted', 'Contract Submitted')#012  File 
 line 123, in inner#012    self.session.commit()#012  File 
 line 813, in commit#012    self.transaction.commit()#012  File 
 line 392, in commit#012    self._prepare_impl()#012  File 
 line 372, in _prepare_impl#012    self.session.flush()#012  File 
 line 2027, in flush#012    self._flush(objects)#012  File 
 line 2145, in _flush#012    transaction.rollback(_capture_exception=True)#012  
 line 63, in __exit__#012    compat.reraise(type_, value, traceback)#012  File 
 line 2145, in _flush#012    transaction.rollback(_capture_exception=True)#012  
 line 408, in rollback#012    self._assert_active(prepared_ok=True, 
rollback_ok=True)#012  File 
 line 223, in _assert_active#012    raise 
sa_exc.ResourceClosedError(closed_msg)#012ResourceClosedError: This transaction 
is closed

So my application is closing the connection after every commit or rollback so 
as per my understanding after connection close that connection will be return 
to pool for further use then why sqlalchemy is saying connection close in next 

Is this error due to alchemy connection pool returning expired connection when 
requesting due to application is ideal for certain amount of time or connection 
is expiring at transaction time.

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