I tried strong referencing the objects stored in the session using :

def strong_reference_session(session):
    @event.listens_for(session, "pending_to_persistent")
    @event.listens_for(session, "deleted_to_persistent")
    @event.listens_for(session, "detached_to_persistent")
    @event.listens_for(session, "loaded_as_persistent")
    def strong_ref_object(sess, instance):
        if 'refs' not in sess.info:
            sess.info['refs'] = refs = set()
            refs = sess.info['refs']


as specified in the docs. Still, I have no way to get control over my 
object, and in the example I sent you I stay in the same scope, so session 
shouldn't lose reference to the object anyhow.

Moreover, in this example, I am just requesting the object, I don't make 
any modifications on it, yet I can't flush, expire or expunge it, and 
finally, the session.close() don't free the memory.

I don't get why in the simple example I sent you I can't flush my object. 
If i was to loop over this function, my memory would grow infinitely, and 
that's precisely what's happening when my script is running.

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