this warning is not related to SQLAlchemy it has to do with the structure of 
SQL you are passing to connection.execute(). some background I found via 
googling here:

Assuming you are passing string SQL to SQLAlchemy's conn.execute(), nothing 
special happens in SQLAlchemy and I would advise experimenting with the pyodbc 
cursor directly in order to figure out why some parts of your statements seem 
to be "ignored" - it's not clear what is telling you "the last part of the SQL 
is never actually executed" since there's not really any example or context 
provided here.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020, at 2:25 PM, Iván Gómez Villafañe wrote:
> I have my own tran() function, as the doc suggests:
> engine = 
> sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://@SHINKEN/supervielle?trusted_connection=yes&driver=ODBC+Driver+13+for+SQL+Server',
>  fast_executemany = True)
> def tran(sql,engine):
> with engine.begin() as conn:
>  conn.execute(sql)
> I execute with it custom sql strings, such as one obtained from another 
> custom complex sql-string generation function which obtains a new table with 
> log + z-transform of columns that have many 0's, therefore there's a lot of 
> NULL values going around. In the sql, 0's get turned into null so that I can 
> log, and when I then set variables and new columns as log(), each column 
> returns the warning:
> Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
> When running the function on 4 columns, everything is fine. When running it 
> on 20, tran() executes as if it were fine, *but the last part of the sql is 
> never actually executed* and I receive no warning/error whatsoever on the 
> Python console. Please note this DOES run on MS SQL SMS, I tried pasting the 
> sql and executing there, and I do receive all the warnings, but it completes 
> fine. It appears that when running with sqlalchemy, after a certain amount of 
> warnings the execution is dropped.
> Anyway, I solved the issue by setting the following at the start of the sql:
> Nevertheless, I suspect there's something not quite working as it should. 
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe sqlalchemy could be updated to deal 
> with this kind of scenario, or maybe there's a setting I should look into in 
> MS SQL 2017.
> Any insights? Thanks.

> --
>  SQLAlchemy - 
>  The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
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