Hi all,
I've read documentation and some resources on web but still got something I 
can't understand.
I'm using SQLAlchemy 1.3.10 on a mysql db.

When I run this query on dbms I get 219 (unique) rows
SELECT payments.period, SUM(payments.canoneattualizzato) FROM 
WHERE payments.agreements_id = agreements.id group by payments.period ORDER 
BY payments.period

When I execute the same query on SQLAlchemy engine I get 72 rows!
sql = text('SELECT payments.period, SUM(payments.canoneattualizzato) FROM 
payments,agreements WHERE payments.agreements_id = agreements.id group by 
payments.period ORDER BY payments.period')
result = engine.execute(sql)

I arrived to use execute method because I had the exact same issue with 
Query object and I thought raw sql could be a fast way to investigate:
resultset = session.query(Payment.period, func.sum(Payment.
            join(Agreement, Agreement.id == Payment.agreements_id).\

And this is compiled statement, pretty the same:
SELECT payments.period, sum(payments.`canoneAttualizzato`) AS 
FROM payments INNER JOIN agreements ON agreements.id = payments.agreements_id 
GROUP BY payments.period ORDER BY payments.period

The rows returned by SQLAlchemy are a subset of the rows returned by dbms 
they're just in the middle of the full resultset: i mean dbms returns 36 
rows above and 111 rows below the SQLAlchemy returned resultset. And 
there's apparently no difference between returned and non returned rows (in 
terms of primary key and null values).

I can add ORM mapping info:
class Payment(DECLARATIVE_BASE):

    __tablename__ = 'payments'
    __table_args__ = (
        {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB', 'sqlite_autoincrement': True, 
'mysql_charset': 'utf8'}

    id = Column(INTEGER, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True, nullable=
False)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    period = Column(INTEGER)
    anno = Column(INTEGER)
    mese = Column(INTEGER)
    mensilita = Column(INTEGER)
    competenza = Column(DECIMAL)
    canoneAttualizzato = Column(DECIMAL)
    deltaCanoneAttualizzato = Column(DECIMAL)
    valoreContratto = Column(DECIMAL)
    valoreCanoneAttualizzato = Column(DECIMAL)
    quotaInteressi = Column(DECIMAL)
    quotaTotale = Column(DECIMAL)
    quotaCapitale = Column(DECIMAL)
    quotaAmmortamento = Column(DECIMAL)
    PeL = Column(DECIMAL)
    quota12Mesi = Column(DECIMAL)
    quotaOltre12Mesi = Column(DECIMAL)
    amortizations_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("amortizations.id"), index
=True, nullable=False)
    agreements_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("agreements.id"), index=True, 

    #agreement = relationship("Agreement", foreign_keys=[agreements_id], 
    #amortization = relationship("Amortization", 
foreign_keys=[amortizations_id], backref="payments")

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Payment(%(id)s)>" % self.__dict__

class Agreement(DECLARATIVE_BASE):

    __tablename__ = 'agreements'
    __table_args__ = (
        {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB', 'sqlite_autoincrement': True, 
'mysql_charset': 'utf8'}

    id = Column(INTEGER, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True, nullable=
False)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    agreementCode = Column(VARCHAR(20), nullable=False)
    descrizione = Column(VARCHAR(45))
    oda = Column(VARCHAR(15))
    deposito = Column(VARCHAR(500))
    data_inizio = Column(DATE, nullable=False)
    data_fine = Column(DATE, nullable=False)
    durata = Column(VARCHAR(100))
    isEstinguibileAnticipatamente = Column(TINYINT)
    dataMinimaEstinzioneAnticipata = Column(DATE)
    dataEstizioneAnticipata = Column(DATE)
    canoneTotale = Column(DECIMAL)
    canoneServizi = Column(DECIMAL)
    canoneDaAttualizzare = Column(DECIMAL, nullable=False)
    dataPrimoPagamento = Column(DATE)
    dataUltimoPagamento = Column(DATE)
    pagamento = Column(VARCHAR(1))
    percentualeApplicataTassoRivalutazione = Column(DECIMAL(7,4))
    dataApplicazioneRivalutazione = Column(INTEGER)
    recesso = Column(VARCHAR(200))
    oneriRegistrazione = Column(VARCHAR(200))
    oneriAccessori = Column(VARCHAR(200))
    polizzaAssicurativa = Column(VARCHAR(200))
    autovettureTarga = Column(VARCHAR(10))
    autovettureAssegnatario = Column(VARCHAR(50))
    note = Column(VARCHAR(500))
    mesiFreeRent = Column(INTEGER)
    clientVariazione = Column(VARCHAR(20))
    userVariazione = Column(VARCHAR(50))
    dataVariazione = Column(DATETIME)
    isDeleted = Column(TINYINT, default=0, nullable=False)
    isClosed = Column(TINYINT, default=0)
    isPenaleEstinzioneAnticipata = Column(TINYINT)
    importoPenaleEstinzioneAnticipata = Column(DECIMAL)
    dataRinnovoAutomatico = Column(DATE)
    isFuoriConteggioDurata = Column(TINYINT)
    isFuoriConteggioImporto = Column(TINYINT)
    currencies_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("currencies.id"), index=True, 
    accounts_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("accounts.id"), index=True, 
    companies_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("companies.id"), index=True, 
    suppliers_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("suppliers.id"), index=True, 
    paymentPeriods_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("paymentPeriods.id"), 
index=True, nullable=False)
    countries_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("countries.id"), index=True, 
    discountRates_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("discountRates.id"), index
=True, nullable=False)
    revaluationRates_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("revaluationRates.id"), 
index=True, nullable=False)
    agreements_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("agreements.id"), index=True, 
    paymentTypes_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey("paymentTypes.id"), index=
True, nullable=False)

    company = relationship("Company", foreign_keys=[companies_id], backref=
    revaluationrate = relationship("Revaluationrate", foreign_keys=[
revaluationRates_id], backref="agreements")
    currency = relationship("Currency", foreign_keys=[currencies_id], 
    supplier = relationship("Supplier", foreign_keys=[suppliers_id], backref
    country = relationship("Country", foreign_keys=[countries_id], backref=
    discountrate = relationship("Discountrate", foreign_keys=[
discountRates_id], backref="agreements")
    paymentperiod = relationship("Paymentperiod", foreign_keys=[
paymentPeriods_id], backref="agreements")
    account = relationship("Account", foreign_keys=[accounts_id], backref=
    paymenttype = relationship("Paymenttype", foreign_keys=[paymentTypes_id
], backref="agreements")
    agreement = relationship("Agreement", foreign_keys=[agreements_id])

    amortizations = relationship("Amortization")
    documents = relationship("Document")

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Agreement(%(id)s)>" % self.__dict__

I really can't understand what's going on under the hood and need this 
simple query to work (the real one is a bit more complex and with some 
where conditions that I removed to simplify the problem) 
Can you provide help, please? Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day!

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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