
I was wondering if there's some way to create some sort of a "virtual"
model which is not based on an actual table?

Use case: I have a model (e.g. `Room`) which contains a `data` JSONB
attribute/column which is supposed to store plugin-specific data. I
would like plugin code to be able to create a "virtual" model which
references `Room` 1-to-1 and injects a `plugin_data` backref into it.
That means I would be able to do `room.plugin_data.user`, for instance,
which would use `room.data['user_id']` to fetch a `User` object.

Right now, our plugins do this by means of an additional table. E.g., in
this case we would have `PluginRoom`, which would store `user_id` and
have a 1-to-1 relationship with `Room`, with a backref.

I was wondering if there's some way we can have a similar pattern based
on unstructured JSONB data.



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