On 15 Feb 2020, at 3:14pm, sky5w...@gmail.com wrote:

>> To determine if table XYZ is a WITHOUT ROWID table, run "PRAGMA
>> index_info('XYZ');".  If you get back one or more rows, then XYZ is a
>> WITHOUT ROWID table.  If you get back no rows, then XYZ is a rowid
>> table.
> Confused...What if I made an index on a ROWID table?
> CREATE INDEX "Z" ON "DOC" ("n_id");

The parameter in index_info() is normally the name of an index.  So if you 
create an index "Z" and ask for index_info("Z") you will get information on 
that index.

If you create a WITHOUT ROWID table with name 'Y", and ask for index_info("Y") 
you will get information on the primary key of that table.

If both exist, you get information about the index.

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