

if [ ! -f test.db ] ; then sqlite3 test.db "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tab USING fts5(x)"; fi
sqlite3 test.db ".import wikipedia tab"
a=$(sqlite3 test.db "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_data")
echo "# records after import: $a"
sqlite3 test.db "DELETE FROM tab"
a=$(sqlite3 test.db "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_data")
echo "# records after DELETE: $a"
sqlite3 test.db "VACUUM"
a=$(sqlite3 test.db "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_data")
echo "# records after vacuum: $a"


$> ./
# records after import: 15
# records after DELETE: 27
# records after vacuum: 27
$> ./
# records after import: 40
# records after DELETE: 52
# records after vacuum: 52
$> ./
# records after import: 65
# records after DELETE: 2
# records after vacuum: 2
$> ./
# records after import: 15
# records after DELETE: 27
# records after vacuum: 27
$> ./
# records after import: 40
# records after DELETE: 52
# records after vacuum: 52
$> vi testsh
$> vi

So, the index does not grow indefinitely

On 25-2-2020 14:00, Graham Holden wrote:
It is an interesting problem. And the above is just guesswork... It would
be good to verify experimentally that the index really does grow
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