Hi All,

I'm a couple of months into my PhD, studying bioacoustics. I am using 
SQLiteStudio to open '.sqlite3' files, which I need to convert to CSV files to 
import into MATLAB for further analyses.

Currently I have attempted the data export function, selecting which database 
and table I would like to export, however no option for 'CSV' exportation is 
available. The only options that appear are 'JSON, SQL, HTML, and PDF' which 
can't be read into excel.

I have also attempted the queries tab in SQLiteStudio, in an attempt to write 
code for exportation. This did not work.

I also attempted opening the command window on my computer, to change the 
'.sqlite3' file to 'CSV' but it seems that the '.sqlite3' file doesn't have a 
'.db' attached, and therefore will not open in the command window for editing.

I'm seeking ANY advice on how to export these files into CSV, so they can be 
read in excel, and easily imported into MATLAB.

I've attached an example file, if this helps.

I hope to hear from someone soon,

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