Would it be possible to create an SQL verification program, which just like
'sqlite3_analyzer' and 'sqldiff' could be run separately?
It could *warn* about apparently incompletely defined triggers and other
possible pitfalls.

Then developers could use it before installing the next version of SQLite3.

John G

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 19:09, Jean-Luc Hainaut <jean-luc.hain...@unamur.be>

> On 26/02/2020 12:18, Richard Hipp wrote:
> > On 2/26/20, Jean-Luc Hainaut <jean-luc.hain...@unamur.be> wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> It seems that SQLite (version 31.1) accepts a trigger declaration in
> >> which the name is missing. When fired, this trigger doesn't crashes but
> >> exhibits a strange behaviour. In particular, while expression
> >> "new.<colName>" in an "insert" trigger returns the correct value, the
> >> equivalent expression "select <colName> from T where Id = new.Id" always
> >> returns null (column "Id" is the PK of table "T"). Similarly, "update T
> >> set <columnName> = <expression>  where Id = new.Id" (silently) fails.
> >>
> > What is the text of your trigger?
> This trigger belongs to a small experimental application I'm writting to
> study the extent to what application code (initially in Java, Python,
> etc.) can be integrated into SQL, notably through triggers. In short,
> can one convert a standard 3-tier business application into just a GUI +
> an active database, without the standard application program between them?
> The following trigger controls the registration of a customer order
> [insert into CUSTORDER(OrdID, CustID,ItemID,Qty,...) values (...)] when
> the available quantity (Qavail) of the requested item is sufficient.
> If the name 'CORD_INS1' is missing, this trigger (among others):
>    - updates the ITEM table. [successfully]
>    - completes the customer order (Price and State in CUSTORDER). [fails]
>    - creates an invoice (in CUSTINVOICE) and prints it in a text file.
> [successfully]
> After reading all your explanations and comments, my interpretation is
> as follows:
> 1. The SQLite syntax tells me that the "before/after/instead of" keyword
> can be missing, in which case (I guess) "before" is assumed.
> 2. So, my "name-less" trigger is valid and must be read:
>     create trigger "after" before insert on CUSTORDER ...
> 3. In a "before" trigger, the current row cannot be updated, since it
> doesn't exist yet (though several RDBMS have a specific syntax for that).
> 4. This explains why SQLite legitimely ignores the second update.
> Am I right?
> If I am, this behaviour is "not a bug but a feature". It could be useful
> to precise these facts in the documentation.
> Thanks to all
> Jean-Luc Hainaut
> create table CUSTOMER (CustID,Name,Address,City,Account,...);
> create table ITEM
> (ItemID,Description,Price,QonHand,Qord,Qavail,Qmargin,...);
> create table CUSTORDER (OrdID,DateOrd,CustID,ItemID,Price,Qty,State,...);
> create table CUSTINVOICE
> (InvID,DateInv,OrdID,CustID,ItemID,Price,Qty,Amount,State,...);
> create table SUPPLIER (SuppID,Name,City,...);
> create table OFFER (SuppID,ItemID,Price,Delay,...);
> create table SUPPORDER (OrdID,DateOrd,ItemID,SuppID,Price,Qty,State,...);
> create trigger CORD_INS1
> after insert on CUSTORDER
> for each row
> when new.Qty <= (select Qavail from ITEM where ItemID = new.ItemID)
> and  not exists (select * from CUSTINVOICE where OrdID = new.OrdID)
> begin
>     --
>     -- Subtract Qty from Qavail:
>     update ITEM
>     set   Qavail = Qavail - new.Qty
>     where ItemID = new.ItemID;
>     --
>     --...
>     -- Set CUSTORDER.State to 'invoiced' or 'pending'
>     update CUSTORDER
>     set   Price = (select Price from ITEM where ItemID = new.ItemID),
>           State = case when new.Qty <= (select QonHand from ITEM where
> ItemID = new.ItemID)
>                        then 'invoiced'
>                        else 'pending'
>                   end
>     where OrdID = new.OrdID;
>     --
>     -- Create an invoice and print it:
>     insert into CUSTINVOICE(...);
>     --
> end;
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