On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 10:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 23:36:55 -0500
> "Mrs. Brisby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's good to use null-terminated in many cases; especially in collating
> > and sorting. It helps to understand that in those cases you stop
> > processing _after_ you see the terminator (and treat the terminator as
> > it is: zero.)
> Collating involves with length. If data length is known prior to scanning
> data, in some cases you can skip it if it doesn't match without scanning
> data body. It helps to understand that in those cases you stop processing
> _before_ you see the terminator or anything else.

No it cannot. How are the following tokens collated?


> > UTF-16 is NOT used in HFS+. HFS+ still uses ASCII with some "tricks".
> > UFS is what's "preferred" in MacOS X, and it doesn't use UTF-16 either.
> > UTF-16 isn't what we're talking about anyway, it's UCS16.
> MacOS X uses "Unicode" as its native encoding. In Unicode encoding
> the most used in MacOS X is UTF-16. Only to call BSD API it uses
> UTF-8. It's kind of hybrid, but UTF-8 is just used for compatibility to
> Unix parts in MacOS X, and other non-Unix pieces in MacOS X, which
> is why MacOS X is Mac, is using UTF-16 internally, including Carbon,
> Cocoa and ATSUI.
> For HFS+, from Apple's Technical Note TN2078 (Migrating to FSRefs & long
> Unicode names from FSSpecs):
> http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2002/tn2078.html

See the parts in http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1150.html
regarding the HFS wrapper; this was what I thought I was remembering;
my memory on this subject is admittedly spotty.

I don't recall this information being quite so easy to google; thanks for
correcting me on this.

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