Hi Everyone,
This is a tiny bit off subject, so sorry.

I have a search page on my web site which when used will search the database for 
results.  I want to be able to rank the results in best match first order.

In the database I will have three columns where I will be searching for matches , my 
question is what type of method do people/systems use to rate a match in the database?

An example of a typical search would be .  They enter the work Backup.
I was thinking of selecting all rows which have backup in the three columns and then 
counting how many times the word appears in each column.  This then would be the 
ranking of the result.

Result rows
Row 1 10 times
Row 2  33 times
Row 3 23 times

These results would appear like this

Row 2
Row 3
Row 1

Does anyone have any other idea's on ranking results?

If you do please email them to me

Greg O

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