On May 3, 2004, at 3:48 AM, eno wrote:

Puneet Kishor wrote:

Actually I am on Mac OS X 10.3. I have no idea what I need to do to enable READLINE. I just downloaded the source and did the ./configure, make, make install dance and got no READLINE. It must be somewhere on my system because the behavior I want is very much a part of tcsh.

Assuming you have readline-devel installed on your system (watch out for a file "readline.h" somewhere under (for example) /usr/include or /usr/local/include) you might try to edit the Makefile generated from ./configure changing some lines:

# Compiler options needed for programs that use the readline() library.
READLINE_FLAGS = -DHAVE_READLINE=1 -I/usr/include/readline

# The library that programs using readline() must link against.
LIBREADLINE = -lreadline

If you don't have readline devel on your system you might have to install that beforehand, of course.

Thanks eno, that was just what I needed. I have updated the SQLite wiki on this subject appropriately.

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