There is a PalmOS port of SQLite available. Mr. Wayne
on this list kindly sent me the code of his work on
the Palm port. I have not tested it on Palm Vx but I
do believe it works(Mr. Wayne can correct me if I am
wrong). I am working on Palm OS 6 port of SQLite but
haven't been able to get far as my dev machines either
keep crashing (for some totally different reasons) or
they get utilized for something else. When will I be
able to complete the port is an eternal question ;-)
Let me know if you need the code.


Jalil Vaidya

--- nathanvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>       i hope not to ask a faq :-)
> I use a palm Vx. The biggest problem, in my opinion,
> i can't find a good
> databse for this device.
> I want to ask you if sqlite may run on palm.
> Is it possible?
> Is there a version for this device or is it planned?
> Thanks
> -- 
> The UNIX Guru's view of sex:
> unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes;
> umount; sleep


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