On 25 jul 2004, at 13:21, Bert Verhees wrote:

These newly added features were long requested as well, and although
ALTER TABLE is indeed an important feature too, there are probably
other issues that require more attention right now.

In any case, there is an entry on the FAQ section that shows you how to
do something like ALTER TABLE. It's not ideal because it copies the
entire table twice, but it's better than nothing, I suppose:

The workaround for ALTER TABLE is not useable in SQL-code generating
These kinds of environments gain in importance.
Not only in Model Driven Architecture, but also, I think it
is possible in Open Office there will be GUI's which generate
SQL code.

What do you mean it is not useable in a SQL code-generating environments? I can build a SQL query on-the-fly which adds or removes columns at will. Just check my Cocoa wrapper for SQLite, QuickLite at: http://www.webbotech.com

Just check the following methods found in QuickLiteDatabaseExtras:

- (BOOL)addColumn:(NSString*)columnName withDataType:(NSString*)dataType toTable:(NSString*)table isTransactionActive:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)removeColumn:(NSString*)columnName fromTable:(NSString*)table isTransactionActive:(BOOL)flag;

The code is Cocoa-based, but could easily be adapted to other languages. I could build a GUI environment to alter a table and to generate the SQL statements as well, I don't see what the problem is. As I said earlier, the issue with the workaround is that it has to copy the entire table twice. Other than that, I believe it works fine...


-- Tito

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