Hello John,

On 28 jul 2004, at 23:42, John Mistler wrote:

I created an application with XCode for OS X that interfaces with a MySQL
database. I would like to switch it over to SQLite. Could someone shed
some light on how I go about incorporating the SQLite library into my
application? For instance, what do I copy into my bundle from the tar.gz
download that came from sqlite.org and where should it go?

QuickLite may help you: http://www.webbotech.com

At that point, does it just run as an embedded database engine when my app is launched


or do I need to configure it in some way so that it will launch alongside my

No config needed if you use QuickLite.

Will the sqlite library then install automatically when a user copies
the app to his hard drive?

Just take a look at the examples provided.

Will all of my SQL language transfer over?

Refer to this document: http://www.sqlite.org/lang.html

Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Best regards,

-- Tito

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