I haven't worked out a synchronization scheme yet. One possibility is to
model it on how the Palm PDB databases are synchronized.  They keep
meta-data for each row indicating whether the data is dirty, new, has been
deleted, etc. This is optimized for a one-to-one pairing between two
databases.  A more complex process would be required to support
synchronization between members of a set of databases which all may be

Do you support uni-directional and bi-directional synchronization?

You mentioned that you create a hash on the contents of the row to produce
a GUID.  I presume this is only done when you first create the row,
otherwise any changes to the row data would change the GUID.  Correct?


> John Oliva wrote:
>>Are any of you performing synchronization between multiple SQLite DBs?
>>What tools or techniques are you using?
>>John Oliva
> That's something I'd be interested in as well.  At the moment, we are
> using a system where each table to be synchronized has at least the
> following fields:
> guid (a global unique identifier, composed of a md5 hash of all the
> contained data in the row plus a couple other random bits)
> date_added
> date_modified
> Using these, we can sync updates and inserts across database instances.
> Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a simple method of deleting a
> record and then syncing.
> This is obviously a pretty simplistic way to do this, so any other
> suggestions I would find helpful.
> John LeSueur

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