
I'm going to implement an OLE/DB provider for SQLite, but as I don't
like to program in COM I will not release the control free (but it will
not be expensive, either).

I was curious if there was any interest on this, as I see it as a way to
open the SQLite door to many other languages which support COM/ActiveX
controls (and ADO with it), but don't have any wrapper for it.

I am thinking of releasing the beta versions of it free of charge (for
non-commercial use, off course) but I don't know if I should bother to
do it (having to create a web page for it, support, etc.) if there is no
interest (as it will not be free).

One possible step would be porting it for Windows CE, giving more choice
for those that don't use C as a Windows CE language.

As this may be a little off topic for this ML, those that could be
interested just reply me directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

~Nuno Lucas

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