> > Thanks again for the reply.  That very well may be! The 
> call back puts the
> > column data in a std::map and then the std::map in 
> std::vector. This is so
> > column and row data can be easily accessed. That very well 
> may be the bottle
> > neck.  I will try  to come up with another way of doing this.
> the std template library is a hog in this respect.  if you 
> trace the ctor's
> you'll see an insertion into a std container results in three 
> of them.  so if
> you have them nested three deep you'll call 9 ctors for each insert.
> at least that's how it used to be...

Thanks for the reply, Ara. I performed some tests and unfortunately the STL was not 
the culprit. For some reason, as I stated in another message, it takes 15 seconds to 
receive a callback after an 'sqlite_exec' call is made.


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