Vladimir Vukicevic, dando pulos de alegria, escreveu :
Hi yesso,

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 09:02:08 +0200, yesso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi, can i use this provider in a c# project?

Yes, you can use it with any language that can access ADO and/or OLE-DB databases.

But as Vladimir pointed out, you may be better with a more direct driver for your specific language.
The advantages of an OLE/DB provider are database engine independence, but every case can be better with/without it.

~Nuno Lucas

You may want to also look at the SQLite ADO.NET provider at
http://www.mono-project.com/contributing/sqlite.html , which is part
of mono's class libraries, but works fine with the .NET runtime.

    - Vlad

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