You right. I just caught that last night, Sunday night, when I was working on it. Sorry for missing that. Does version 3.0.7 have datalocks? I know version 2.8.15 came equipped with datalocks. The config.h file for 3.0.7 version does not contain structures, define statements, inline functions, and source forth as is contained in the config.h file for version 2.8.15.
Thanks for your help

Nuno Lucas wrote:

Steve Frierdich, dando pulos de alegria, escreveu :

Does anyone have WinCE sqlite version 3.0.7 source that has fixes and has been tested on WinCE and works available for download? I downloaded some WinCE source from a website but there were bugs in it when I compiled the source code. The bugs were minor and simple to fix, but they were bugs that one would never expect to appear such as:
Expected constants not defined, illegal zero size array.

If you did read the readme file you would have seen that you don't
include the shell.c file to build the sqlite lib/dll.

The shell.c file is for compiling the sqlite.exe command line program,
which you can't do in most WinCE platforms (you need a command line
application, like PocketConsole).

~Nuno Lucas

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