
SQLite 3.0 concurrency was greatly improved via multi lock
states. Despite this, some stuff seems, to me, quite
Busy handler is the "sure" way to avoid deadlocks; But
on heavily multi threaded systems, you are forced to
determine an acceptable latency time to avoid many context
switches due to repeatitive try/sleep periods. Lots of cycles
are lost here... and you don't know which waiting request
will be served first.
Of course, you can build a layer around SQLite to "over" lock
transactions... to be relatively sure that no other
thread will try to access the ressource in the same time...
In this case, you bypass the multi locking state feature of 3.0
but you can gain a FIFO stack around each db access.

SQLite knows when a db is "RESERVED" locked or unlocked.
Adding a handler, like the busy one, which could
inform when a (void*) is locked or unlocked could be great;
Allowing to manage cond signals on the busy stack of many
waiting (sqlite*).
This could allow to manage fine tuned policies on request
priority like some RT systems need.
Is this sound crazy? :) Or is there another way to manage this
without featuring SQLite?

Thanks, bye.
Guillaume FOUGNIES

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