For every statement; great! --Keith
-----Original Message----- From: Keith Herold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:03 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [sqlite] Quick question about sqlite_trace Does sqlite_trace fire for every sql statement in a sql_exec, or just for the whole sql_exec/sql_compile? I.e., suppose the call to sql_exec is: BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO tblMyDestinationTable (Dogs, Cats, FoodCosts) SELECT * FROM tblMyTable tmt WHERE tmt.Foo = 'bar'; SELECT last_insert_rowid(); END TRANSACTION; So, does sqlite_trace fire for each of BEGIN, INSERT INTO, SELECT, END , or just once for the whole sql_exec? I do lots of these kinds of things, and it would be nice if I could output the sequence to as they are actually executed rather than as a big chunk. --Keith ****************************************************** - I'm not a professional; I just get paid to do this. - Things I've learned about multithreaded programming: 123... PPArrvooottieedcc ttm ueelvvteeirrtyyhtt rhheiianndgge dwi hnpi rctohhg eri aslm omscitanalgt iowcbh,je engceltvo ebwrah lip,co hso srci abonlt ehb .ee^Nr waicscee snsoetd 'aotb jtehcet -slaomcea lt'il m^Ne from two or more threads ******************************************************